Fellowship of bbodance
A Fellow is the most prestigious level of membership awarded by bbodance. Individuals may be recognised for a Fellowship in recognition of a significant contribution to the profile and the development of bbodance. A Fellow may use the designation 'F bbodance'.

Nomination Guidelines
Current employees of the organisation are not eligible to receive the Fellowship, with the exception of Examiners. Exception to this guideline is discretionary and may be made by the Board if the nomination is felt to warrant it.
A Nomination should consist of a Letter of Recommendation from a Proposer, together with a Nomination Form containing sufficient detail about the nominee to enable the Board to make a reasoned judgement about the merit of the nomination, and a Letter of Support from at least one Seconder. Proposers and Seconders can be Patrons, Honorary Members, Trustees and Members of bbodance.
In exceptional circumstances the Board will consider posthumous awards.
Nominations will be considered by the Board of Trustees, chaired by the Chairman or his deputy if unavailable. Nominations must be received by October 31st as these meetings are held annually in December. Incomplete submissions will not be considered. Late submissions will be held over until the following year.
The decision of the Board is final, and no correspondence will be entered into concerning the decision, nor will they inform the Proposer or Seconder of the success or otherwise of the nomination. Proposers and Seconders may re-submit unsuccessful nominations at later dates, but these must be new submissions.
​Please note all nomination documents should be typed, see the Fellowship nomination form below.
If you would like to submit your nomination via post instead, submissions should be sent to:
Fiona Knower
Chief Executive
Ensign House,
Battersea Reach,
Juniper Drive,
SW18 1TA

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